
Chelsie Elliott

Chelsie’s journey to pursue her passion started when returning to work shortly after having her daughter over 10 years ago. Initially training as a Myotherapist she has offered clients Myotherapy and complementary therapies such as cupping and dry needling for over a decade. 

During her training as a Myotherapist she was introduced to The Feldenkrais®Method (affectionately known as Feldy by “Feldy’s!) and whilst completing her training, spent 3 days doing Feldenkrais lessons.  “I couldn’t believe how much my movement changed in 3 days”. 

That moment had never left her, although it took a further 2 years of thinking about it before she finally decided to take the plunge and enrolled in the 4-year course.  6 years on from her first introduction to Feldenkrais combined with the experience that she had gained from her Myotherapy practice she continued to master her craft and dreamed of the business she would one day create. 

Chelsie provides clients with complementary therapy and practices that enable a better mind and body through practices that she is both skilled and passionate about.


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