
Into Light and Sound


Into Light and Sound is a truly transformative and restorative experience, integrating gentle movement and sound bathing, which is a combination of Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, vocal toning, over toning and percussion with the added layer of harmonized mantras in the practice.

Join Jacqui Sterling from Aloha Healing and Annebelle van Tongeren, from the Yoga Stylist for a special 90 minute session in very gentle restorative yoga, supported by sound. We will be connecting breath, body, intention and vibration as we access the different layers of our energy bodies, letting go of tension and allowing a beautiful expansion into light, healing and endless possibilities.

You’ll want to bring your bolster, eye pillow, blanket and block to this session for maximum sweetness. And if you would like to pre-order a bolster or eye pillow from Annebelle’s own yoga props line, Fern & Frost, please head to www.fernandfrost.com.au and use the code STARLIGHT10 at checkout for 10% off.

Don’t miss this session! It is going to be something very special.







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