Lea Singer

Lea Singer

Lea is certified Yoga instructor.  Since 2018 Lea conducts workshops and classes at age care and people with disabilities facilities, yoga studios, universities, colleges, workplaces, wellness retreats and festivals. Lea has the extensive knowledge about...
Emma McCann

Emma McCann

Emma is a multi-certified pleasure coach, yoga and tantra teacher guiding people to create a life and bedroom full of pleasure. A life that’s more open, more optimistic, and lived by design, not default, living their true heartfelt desires. Working with Emma in...
Ruth Kelly

Ruth Kelly

Ruth is a Level 2 YT and has been teaching for over a decade.  Her own blend of yoga includes asana, pranayama, meditation and yoga nidra, and her commitment to lifelong learning in yoga continues to inspire and evolve her teaching style.  Students love the...
Leanne Cannan

Leanne Cannan

Leanne has been practising yoga in many forms for over 30 years and she started teaching 3 years ago. With her first experiences teaching she had some students who had trouble getting up and down on the mat. This led her to Chair Yoga. Leanne wanted to make Yoga...
Louisa Bennett

Louisa Bennett

Hi everybody,:)   I’m Louisa.  have a yoga/health studio in Yea Victoria  Looking forward to sharing with you all  I’ve trained in Japanese yoga in 2009 and have passionately continued to explore the five elements ( seasonal yoga ) in detail...